Modern energy-efficient solutions for your home
Own home is a dream of many young families, and a cozy and energy-efficient home is the goal of each of them. To erect such a building, it is important not only to properly organize the construction process but also to take all necessary measures to preserve heat inside the living space, as well as to install an efficient heating system.
Choice of energy source or how heat efficiency is calculated
The main reason why more and more people are looking for energy-efficient solutions for their home is the high cost of energy and the high financial costs of maintaining a private home. To date, one of the most affordable energy sources is gas, the cost of which is still stable, and efficiency has been proven over time.
However, given the difficult economic situation and the high probability of increasing the cost of gas fuel, it is better to reinsure and find a more acceptable method of heating – for example, to heat the house with electricity.
The advantage of the electric method of heating a private house is its simplicity and convenience, especially since electric boilers are ergonomic and do not take up much space. The disadvantage is the high cost of electricity, which significantly increases the cost of space heating.
Another option for installing a heating system is to install a solid fuel boiler. This type of heating is more affordable from an economic point of view, but its full maintenance requires great effort. Also, to install such a boiler in a private home, you need a lot of space, it is desirable to allocate a separate room for this because of the likelihood of detecting by-products of combustion: soot, ash, or odors.
Use of alternative energy sources in solving existing problems
Today, alternative energy sources that are used for both heating and hot water are becoming more and more popular – solar energy, the heat of the earth, and groundwater. Investments in such energy sources pay off in a few years, as the first months of their use significantly reduce the financial costs of other types of energy, and equipment maintenance does not require additional investments.
The simplest installations for obtaining alternative energy are solar collectors, which are installed on the roof of the house, usually on the sunny (southern) side. The principles of installation of such systems are based on simple physical rules, and their effectiveness is to simplify and reduce the cost of energy used to maintain a private home.
To use another method of space heating – with geothermal energy – it is necessary to drill an additional well at the base of the foundation, then install probes under the heat pump. If these measures are carried out at the construction stage, the risk of further disruption of the landscape, as well as the destruction of the foundation itself will be reduced.
Another way to reduce the cost of the energy supply of the house is to install a floor heating system. Due to the stabilization of the temperature regime in such communications, the temperature of the heat carrier in the heating system decreases. This makes thermal energy more accessible and its use financially viable.
However, the best energy-efficient solution for modern homes is considered to be the use of several types of equipment together. Connected to a single system, such installations allow you to get maximum comfort with minimum financial costs. Special regulators automatically select the most suitable heat source based on indicators such as:
- the efficiency of the involved equipment in current conditions of a temperature of the air outside of the room and heat carriers inside of heating system;
- energy cost;
- time tariff.
As a result, due to the correct setting and rational use of a comprehensive heating system, additional savings money of up to 30%.
Picture Credit: Unsplash