The new roof, regardless of the type of coating, looks impressive and spectacular. Unfortunately, even if the roofing is of high quality, this does not mean that they are invulnerable. Over time, they lose their original appearance. If we do not respond on time, pollution can cause great damage to the appearance and functionality of the roof.
You have to take care of the roof. Not only construction issues and moisture protection are important. Aesthetic problems are equally important – roofing over time loses color, becomes faded, tiles can crack, or warp. Moisture also has an important effect – if the water from the roof does not drain properly, it not only penetrates the roof but also lies on the roof, which negatively affects any type of roof.
How to care for ceramic tile roof
Ceramic tiles must be cleaned carefully because the surface of the tiles is easily damaged. Ceramics are much more fragile and subject to destructive factors.
If we buy ceramic tiles from a good manufacturer, we can be sure that they are strong and durable. Unfortunately, this does not mean that they are perfect. They are also prone to growing moss, especially when we live near a forest or our property is surrounded by many trees.
Natural tiles are most susceptible to damage
It is also worth remembering that experts consider ceramic tiles to be the most difficult to maintain and care. This mainly concerns their porous structure, through which dirt, sand particles, and moisture penetrate into the tiles. All this threatens not only the appearance on the tiles but also their structure – pollution does not settle on top and penetrates inside. Of course, this problem relates to natural ceramic tiles, which are not covered with any additional protective layer. The situation is different from glazed tiles. When choosing roofing, you must choose between the naturalness and the durability of tiles. The more roof natural, the less it durable.
Better protected, less soiled
However, even glazed tiles are exposed to moss growth. What then? It is best to think about proper maintenance at the stage of laying the new coating and protect it in advance with an appropriate impregnation solution. Impregnation will protect the tiles from moisture and mold and will be more resistant to moss growth. They will also be easier to clean later. Unfortunately, when building a house, hardly anyone thinks that beautifully looking tiles will not always look the same aesthetically pleasing over time. We forget about proper protection, which means that after a short time we can notice mold or moss on the roof. Even these first signs of attack of moisture and plants must be destroyed – the later you react, the more difficult it will be to clean the tiles.
Water purification under pressure
The best way to remove unwanted green deposits is to hire professionals with specialized equipment. Most often they use devices that use high-pressure water. It removes unnecessary dirt and plaque, and the surface of the tile again looks new. However, this does not mean that mosses or lichens have been permanently removed. Thus, only the outer layer is washed off. What is absorbed into the tiles should be removed by more radical methods using biocides. Such preparations will not only destroy mosses and lichens but also impregnate the tiles, which in the future minimizes and minimizes their appearance.
Picture Credit: Unsplash